According to the website, it has over 3500 web and video resources along with over 240 lesson plans which sounds quite impressive. So I checked the lesson plans. They have the lesson plans subdivided into English, math, science, history, and other subjects. So of course, the first one I looked at was math.
The math lesson plans offer me the opportunity to drill down even further by grade levels. If you don't filter before going further, you are taken to a page with the filters across the top and a list of places with grade levels and if there are lesson plans or videos associated with the place.
After checking out several sites are actually sites that have some free materials but may ask one to subscribe to get all the benefits. However, many sites are totally free with worksheets, videos, and activities. There are quite a few nice resources to get ideas, find lessons, etc.
I also did a general search on math to see what that brought up. The first couple or three listings were sites to show how certain math words are used in real life. Many of the words are associated with physics but there was also a link for words used in geometry. Then I came across a nice place for math worksheets but they offer both lessons and practice so that makes it nice if you have a student who is a bit more advanced and needs work beyond the others in your class. They can read the lesson that has a couple of problems and the problems are explained with quite a bit of detail.
One interesting link was to the Math Learning Center which has lots of free materials including books, worksheets, and so much more. The one thing that caught my eye was two books on algebra through visual patterns. I checkout the free downloadable pdf and liked the way every lesson is detailed with every step you need. I've often wondered about how to present certain concepts and this offers some different ways. I like it. This site has materials for grades K to 12 and it is well worth checking out.
There is even a link for a math dictionary for the younger children. I will say that the definitions listed are not always easy to read for the really young children, it would be nice for older kids. In addition, there is a link to a place with all sorts of math posters that could be downloaded and used in the classroom.
This is a site well worth checking out because it has math resources that I've never seen before. There are just too many to talk about here in my blog so check them out yourself and see if you find activities and such that you can use yourself. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear. Have a great day.