Monday, October 26, 2020

Celebrating Halloween With Math

When I look for things to do with my high school students around Halloween, I have to search diligently because it is too easy to find those worksheet with word problems with spooks, pumpkins, or other such items.  I want more interesting material because most high school students find those types of worksheets - boring in one word.

So one thing I do is look for interesting graphs dealing with halloween candy.  I've found two so far that show which states favor which candy and use them as warm-ups for "What do you notice?", What do you wonder?" and I add in "What can you conclude from the visual?"  It was fun listening to their "Who even likes candy corn?"  or "I thought that state would prefer....."  Lots of conversation.

Halloween is a great time to explore probability using candy.  For this activity, you will need a larger bowl of M & M's or Skittles for students working in groups to predict the number of each color in the bowl.  Once predictions are made, have students sort through the bowl, placing the candies into  piles based on color.  Then they count the candies to see how many they have of each color and they mark it down on the group sheet.  After they've tallied their numbers, figured out which color had the most and which one the least, pass out small packages of the same candy.  Let students make predictions based on the results of the big bowl.  Once they've made the new predictions, have them open the packages, divide the candies into color and count the number of each.  At the end, students can comment on how their predictions matched the actual number of candies in the smaller bags and propose why the percentages might be different.

Another activity is to apply the exponential growth formula to the population growth of Zombies.  There are several Youtube videos on this subject including one by MathMashup.  These videos make a wonderful introduction to the topic.  Then this lesson from Better Lesson provides a physical representation of growth by beginning with the teacher being the only one infected. The lights are turned off and on to indicate the passing of time.  On the first day it is only the teacher, on the second day the teacher infects one student so two are infected, on the third day both the teacher and student each infect another student so now four are infected.  On the fourth day, all four infect four others for a total of eight until the whole class is infected.  At the end, students will think about how the rate might change is say seven are infected. 

On the other hand, CU Denver has a similar activity but it is designed to show how a Zombie infection looks if it is following a linear infection rate, an exponential infection rate, or a logrithmic growth, so students can see how each one looks.  In addition, the activity provides some extensions and discusses mathematical modeling in relation to this activity so students get a better understanding of modeling in general.

Finally for today, Desmos has a lovely activity on the Zombie Apocalypse.  It starts inside of a biological research facility where something has gone extremely wrong and two new strains of the Zombie virus emerge.  Students are required to graph the growth, make predictions, and all of the usual things associated with Desmos activities.  It even asks students to identify the type of growth they are witnessing.

I'll be back later in the week with a few more activities to include in your class that incorporate math with halloween.  Have a great day and let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  

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