Monday, June 20, 2022

Ways To Help Students Use Math Vocabulary Resources.


No matter how many ways we use to help students learn vocabulary, we have to teach them how to use the resources available to them. We can't just have them define vocabulary or throw the words on a word wall without having students use the vocabulary so they can learn it.  Without knowing the vocabulary, students will struggle in the math class.  If they don't understand terms like evaluate, justify, or simplify, they'll have trouble completing the assignment.  So today, we'll look at some ways to help students use the vocabulary resources available to them.

First introduce new vocabulary during the lesson as you normally do but do not put all the words on the word wall at once.  Place the words on the word wall as you introduce students to them.  When you've placed the word on the wall, take time to discuss it and come up with a class agreed upon definition that students can use in their dictionary, graphic, or dictionary.  If you do not discuss the word, students will just copy the definition out of the textbook verbatim or will change one or two words.

Next, model, model, model.  When you run across the word in class or in the textbook later on, refer to the word wall or ask students to check their personal dictionaries so they get used to using the resources, otherwise students won't take the time to learn the vocabulary.  It is important to review the words on a regular basis.

Instead of stapling or pinning your words to the word wall, make sure you have a second set of words in a pocket at the bottom of the word wall.  This way you can take the cards out for games, or activities designed to help students learn the vocabulary better.  If you make several sets of cards with the word on one card and definition on another card, students can play games like concentration or matching words with the definition.

In addition, you only want the words from the current unit.  Do not start putting words from chapter one and keep adding to them as students continue with new units otherwise you'll have too many words on the wall and it will end up being too confusing. If you don't want to make multiple sets of cards, have students create their own vocabulary cards so they can play games.  In addition to matching and concentration, they could play go fish with previous vocabulary words.  Go fish would sound something like "Who has a five sided figure?" and someone would reply "I have a pentagon."  So it could be either the definition or the word.

Integrate more writing into your class. First set expectations that you expect them to use precision when using the words.  You might also tell them what you expect such as  "Use three of the vocabulary words when explaining how to solve one step equations".  It is important to create opportunities for students to use the vocabulary words. So many workbooks only have a list of vocabulary for students to define but never have the students use the words again.  Have students write in their math journals so you can check their work once a week.  

On Wednesday, I'll be talking about a variety of games that can be used in the class to help students learn their vocabulary. Some of the games will be digitally based while others are print or verbal based.  Although most of us have so much to cover in class, it is important to review vocabulary over and over no matter whether we are talking third or ninth grade.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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