Friday, August 19, 2022

Post It Notes Part II

 Last time we looked at using physical post it notes in math.  Today, we'll look at a couple more ways to use physical notes before we explore how to use digital ones.  Both have a place in the classroom since the physical ones allow students the opportunity to explore math kinesthetically. 

Post it notes allow students to arrange and rearrange numbers when putting them in order.  It works for fractions, decimals, signed numbers, or even mixed forms.  They don't have to erase, just pull it off and pop it down again. 

They can also be used for tallying numbers, histograms, leaf plots, and so many other data gathering activities.  It translates everything into a visual representation, especially when using one color for each number.  When finding mean, mode, and range, place all the numbers on post it notes so they can be put in order which makes it easier to arrange them for mode and range.  When finding the mean, students type in the numbers in the calculator and move the notes over as they complete each number.  They can also count notes to figure out how many numbers they have.

Now many people use digital set ups which use sticky notes.  They might be used in Google Jamboard as part of the class or as part of Padlet or other digital program. Digital sticky notes can be used by students to identify the parts of the coordinate plane, slopes on a graph, used to identify consistent or disjointed functions, and so many other things.

They can be used as part of a digital parking lot where students are able to record their questions or thoughts,   use it to brainstorm ideas on a topic, summarize concepts or summarize graphs, define vocabulary, or even sharing how they got an answer.  This is a great way to use padlet or other sticky note program.

Digital sticky notes can be used by students to write down what they notice or what they wonder when shown a mathematically based picture or the first part of a three act math task. They can share their thoughts with each other. 

Another way to use the notes for students to give examples of real life situations for slope such as roofs, ramps, mountain road grades, etc. If students are learning about vocabulary words that have both math and general definitions such as product, they can write down the different definitions, of the words and use the words in a proper way such as I sold the product at the store, or the product of seven times six is 42. 

In general, I like to use physical sticky notes for activities that have students doing something physically like ordering fractions while I prefer the digital sticky notes for things that require writing, or communicating their thoughts because the digital makes it easier to save the work. This way I can go back and look at their questions, their thoughts, and their ideas and I am less likely to lose the notes than if I have to keep track of things physically.  

Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.   

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