Monday, March 6, 2023

Japanese ESport High School Catching Dropouts.


The other day, I heard something that make my ears perk up.  There was some talk about a new high school in Japan that was opening soon.  It was designed to train professional gamers while making sure they got a regular education and there was a side result that was fascinating.

In Japan, groups often start specialized schools for a specific goal.  A new high school, the first specialized esport one- just opened.  Their original idea was to attract the best and brightest players to both educate and prepare them for a career in professional esports, also known as gaming. 

Many high school students drop out due to being bored, being bullied, disliked teachers, or just hated the rules. There is an adherence to following of the rules and requiring students to meet a specific ideal, even to the point of making students dye brown hair black.  Why do to school if you don't think your needs were being met. Most schools do not offer the services of social workers, phycologists, or counselors. 

Back in December of 2021, this new school made an announcement that it would soon be opening its doors.  It offered a limited number of students the chance to train for competing at video games while studying traditional  academic subjects.  This would be like a school for Olympic skiers, or basketball players so they can improve their chances of making various teams.

What the new school discovered was something unexpected.  They received applications from many dropouts who had spent time playing video games and now wanted a chance to get their playing levels up to national or international levels needed to win competitions. 

In general, the parents who can afford to send their children to private schools do so.  They look for schools where students have more input in their education but for this esport school, most of the students who applied, found their own way.  Although the students were onboard, the parents had to be convinced this was more than just a last resort. At a presentation in February 2022, parents were shown that all instruction met national, the prospects for professional gamers, and video game addiction.  When school opened in April of 2022, a group of two dozen students arrived at the opening day ceremonies.  

The school took over the floor of a building and looks like its half spaceship, half motherboard with glass floors and a ceiling of green neon tubes.  It's very modernistic look supported the focus of the school.  As far as instruction, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday students learn about competition strategies for winning games like Fortnight. On Tuesday and Thursday, students have instruction in traditional topics such as math and English.  

The school is also different in that it starts later in the day, around 10 am and they are not required to wear uniforms.  In addition, the school does not stress if students are tardy or don't even show for all the academic classes because they have dropped out and they are at least coming to class.  The philosophy behind the school is to draw them in with the gaming and show them school can be fun so they are more willing to come in.

The truth is that very few will ever become professional gamers but the school is motivating students to come back to school and learn.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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