Monday, July 1, 2024

Are Self-checking Reviews A Good Thing?


Traditionally, tests and assessments have been seen as one-way streets, measuring student learning but offering little guidance for improvement. However, a powerful tool called self-checking reviews is transforming this belief. These reviews involve students actively checking their own understanding of the material before a test, fostering self-awareness and pinpointing areas needing reinforcement.

Self-checking reviews offer a multitude of benefits for students. It improves metacognition. By actively checking their understanding, students develop metacognition – the ability to think about their own thinking. This allows them to identify areas of confusion and formulate strategies to address them.  It provides enhanced retention of materials. The act of reviewing key concepts and checking answers reinforces learning,solidifying information in students' minds and promoting long-term retention. It also increases confidence.  When students complete a self-review and identify areas they understand, their confidence in tackling the actual test is boosted. This can lead to improved test performance by reducing anxiety.

Self-checking reviews aren't just beneficial for students; they provide valuable insights for teachers as well. They help teachers identify learning gaps.  Analyzing common mistakes on self-reviews helps teachers pinpoint areas where the majority of students are struggling. This allows them to reteach concepts before the actual test, ensuring everyone has a chance to grasp the material. Based on the review results, teachers can adjust their instructional approach. This might involve providing additional resources, simplifying explanations, or offering differentiated instruction for students who need more support. It also promotes active learning.  Self-checking reviews shift the focus from passive learning to active engagement.Students become active participants in their learning process, taking ownership of their understanding.

There are various ways to implement self-checking reviews in the classroom.  Provide students with short, low-stakes quizzes that include answer explanations. This allows them to not only check their answers but also understand the reasoning behind the correct ones. Pair students up to review each other's work on practice problems or assignments. This fosters collaboration, communication, and a deeper understanding of the material.At the end of a lesson, ask students to answer a quick question or complete a short task that reflects the key concepts covered. This helps teachers gauge understanding and identify areas needing clarification before moving on.

Self-checking reviews are a powerful tool that empowers students to take ownership of their learning and provides valuable insights for teachers. By actively engaging students in the assessment process, we can create a more dynamic and effective learning environment. This focus on self-evaluation fosters a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn and improve. So, the next time you're preparing students for a test, consider incorporating self-checking reviews. The benefits for both students and teachers are undeniable.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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