Friday, November 1, 2019

Amusement Parks and Rides.

Ferris Wheel, Vienna, Prater, AustriaThere are so many of them spread across the United States.  Many you'll recognize like Knotts Berry Farms, Disney World, Disneyland, or Six Flags but there are  so many more.  I love visiting Disneyland when I can, even with the long lines yet each ride is an investment  for the company.

The price of a ride depends on things like its size, the cost of the materials used to build it, and demand for the ride.  An outdoor ride can run between $90,000 and $300,000 but it is possible a single ride could cost more than $800,000.

Now if you want to look at the price of building an amusement park from scratch, its cost depends upon the size of the finished park.  For instance, if you want to build a mega park like Disney or Universal, it is projected to run between $2,000,000,000 and $4,000,000,000 while a regional theme park will probably cost between $200 million and $500 million.  Although it is possible to build a water park for less than one million, most cost in the $10 million to $40 million to build.

On the other hand, only the mega parks are capable of producing over $1 billion in revenues but they have to spend to get those revenues.  For Disneyland, it is not unusual to spend between $30 million and $100 million for one attraction.  One reason they spend so much money is that they are competing with themselves and forms of entertainments that didn't previously exist.

If you want to provide some in-depth information on the business of amusement parks, check this site.  The article is in two parts.  The first part covers the amount of money parks make while the second part focuses on the amount the parks cost and what they earn.  Furthermore, this two part article is filled with lots of graphs, detailed information, and figures.  The figures can be used to create graphs to interpret the data.  It also explains why certain costs change.

I chose this topic because there is a lot of math involved from the land to the final product and it covers things you don't normally think about.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great evening.

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