Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mobile Devices + Children's Brains = ?

Selfie, Children, Phone, AsiaIt seems like everyone in today's society owns some sort of mobile device.  Most seem to own a cell phone which they use for everything.  Unfortunately, it appears these devices are used by all age groups.

It appears that one quarter of the children between the ages of 2 and 5 have their own smartphone.  The percent increases to over half of the children aged 11 to 13 own a cell phone but over 70 percent of that age group know how to use them.

Most education is based on Piaget's work.  He believed that children through their experiences of the world around them construct new ideas based on what they observe.  Researchers have noticed a decrease in interactions between parents and children meaning these devices are interfering with the process of bonding.

Furthermore, children learn about language, emotions, how to have a conversation, learning to read facial expressions, but decreased interaction time means children are missing out on developmental milestones.

Although it has not been proven that cell phones emit radiation, they do emit radio waves which can damage brain development.  In addition, it does appear that the use of technology changes the parts the brain uses.  One doctor did brain scans of two groups of people.  The first group was made up of people who were very technology savvy while the other group didn't use it.  The results show the first group showed lots of activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex area but the second group show that activity.  However, the second group began showing that same type of brain activity after learning to use the devices.

Initial research indicates that children who use mobile devices are not using the brain circuits that control the learning of reading, writing, and concentration.  Screen time also effects their ability to communicate, the development of their emotions, and impact their people skills.  In addition, there is evidence to indicate that too much screen time can decrease cognitive skills with as little as two hours a day of use or cause changes to the brain if the child is on the device for more than 7 hours a day.

There are indications that using a device can make your brain lazy because the brain no longer has to remember phone numbers or information because the device can remember it or help find answers via  various search engines.  It is much easier to look it up online than to remember it.

Research has also found that use of mobile devices can impact the amount of sleep children get each night.  Devices throw out a blue light that fools our bodies into thinking it is daylight by decreasing the amount of melatonin produced so it no longer follows our natural circadian rhythm.

There are studies out there that are currently underway to monitor children's brains over the next few years but many educators have serious concerns about how these devices effect the development of the brains.  This could lead to an overall change of educational theory and teaching methods.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.

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