Monday, September 28, 2020

More Stressed Out Than Normal.

This past Friday, several of us were talking and we all agreed that we are so much more stressed than usual and it can all be attributed to the coronavirus.  Due to the size of our district and the way the villages tend to be accessible only by boat or air, each school makes the decision of how the school operates.

Originally, all schools were going to open late in a hybrid model with half the students attending Monday and Tuesday and the other half on Wednesday and Thursday with Friday off to deep clean. So we all planned accordingly.

Then just a couple days before the opening of school, we were told that our school meets all the criteria to open with all the students attending five days a week. Thanks to the principal, we managed to have hybrid the first week with students attending only four days a week on a reduced schedule of 9 to 1:30 for the next two weeks.  Then unless things change, we go back to five days a week fully the week of October 5th.

We've discovered we need all the extra time we have right now to prepare lessons so they can be given in class, or via distance because many of our students go in and out of quarantine due to members of their family who travel or due to the student heading out for some reason.  There is also the possibility that we could suddenly go red if we get a few people who are infected with the virus.  

We just got told on Friday that anyone listed as distance learning is probably at home under quarantine so we need to check every morning and send work home each day they are out unless a parent calls to request material for a full week.

In addition, it appears the administration is going to be going through the normal evaluation process where we have to be observed five times each semester.  They are also talking about having students take all the normal standardized tests from state to district mandated ones.  This is hard since students have been out about six months and are trying to readjust to school.

Another problem is that the rules are constantly changing.  We get told one thing one day and the next day it changes.  In fact, things can change twice in one day.  As teachers, we feel as if we are waiting for the other shoe to fall especially since one of the villages with a population of 700 has had 14 cases identified in under a week and has had to go red with everyone including teachers under quarantine.

It is the stress of not knowing what is going on and what may happen.  We are all under extra stress with having to provide extra materials from videos to worksheets with being evaluated and trying to keep our sanity throughout it.  I am exercising, dancing, and cooking to help relieve stress but I can't get rid of all of it.

I'm sure we aren't the only ones who are trying to survive the uncertainty of the situation.  I think districts are trying to get back to normal as soon as possible so it looks as if nothing is wrong but I suspect, if we rush back to operating "normally" too fast, we'll have to move several steps backward instead of moving forward.

Let me now what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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