Monday, December 6, 2021

Individualizing Instruction With Technology


This is the second full year, schools have had to contend with COVID. The newest mutation has just landed in the United States and many school districts and schools are still flipping between virtual, hybrid, and in person instructions.  We are aware students have holes in their foundational knowledge so it is important to think of ways to help students catch up from where they are, not continue pushing forward without a chance to fill in those holes.  

One should consider a computer based program that utilizes computer algorithms and machine learning to offer students daily individualized instruction. Such programs are also known as adaptive learning.  This type of program truly offers personalized learning without having to sit down and prepare plans containing material for every single student.

The way this type of program works is that students log on to take a test to identify what they know, what skills they have, areas where there are gaps, and uses the data from the test to create daily lessons.  Some of the programs even determine how the material should be presented while others use a standardized method of presentation.  In addition to identifying gaps in knowledge, such programs can also help students who are on or above grade level to continue forward without stagnating. 

Furthermore, most of these adaptive learning programs require that students master the skills before moving on and they offer different pathways for the student to accomplish this and there is usually a way for the teacher to monitor a students progress while keeping up with newly identified gaps, etc because the adaptive technology is continually monitoring.

This type of program is perfect for this pandemic because we've reached a point where most schools have something set up to make sure all students have access to the internet at home should the class suddenly go virtual.  Furthermore, it identifies a starting point for the student when they first log into the program and provides instruction, differentiation, scaffolding, reinforcement, and practice so students can move forward.

The important thing to remember is that these types of programs are not designed to be used as the only way to teach students.  They are designed to be used in tandem with whole group and small group instruction.  I have been told that I am teaching a combined 7th and 8th grade math class beginning in January.  I have access to an adaptive learning program so I plan to use it as part of the daily lesson so I can work with each grade.

For instance, I can have a whole group lesson for the 8th grade students while my 7th grade students are working on the computer and then I can have the grades switch so I can instruct the 7th grade students.  I also plan to have an opening and closing for the whole group together so they are not always separated.  Later in the week, I'll be sharing some websites that do some of the things that several apps did but are no longer available.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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