Friday, December 17, 2021

Math Jokes


Everyone loves a good joke.  I try to integrate math based jokes in class to show my students that math teachers are not always dour and stern.  Today, I'm sharing some that I use in class with my students.  Sometimes students laugh but other times they look at me with the same amount off disbelief they display when they discover I know about tiktok, instagram, or snap chat. 

1. Why do plants hate math?  Because it gives them square roots.

2. Why did the triangle make the basketball team?  It always made 3-pointers.

3. Have you ever noticed what's odd?  Every other whole number.

4. A student turned in a blank sheet of paper for his math test, and the teacher asked him why?   "It was on imaginary numbers" he said, "Can't you seen them?

5. Why can't the angle get a loan?  It's parents wouldn't cosine.

6. What do you call a mathematician who spent all summer at the beach?  A tan gent.

7. What do you call the political party in favor of agriculture? Pro-tractors.

8. There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. But only a fraction would understand.

9. What do a year and a dollar have in common?  They both have four quarters.

10. After a sheepdog chased all of the sheep into the pen, he told the farmer.  "All 40 accounted for."   "But I only have 36 sheep" the farmer replied.  "I know" said the sheepdog. "I rounded up."

11.  Why did two 4's skip lunch?  They already 8.

12. How is an artificial Christmas tree like the fourth root of -68?  Neither has real roots.

13. Teacher:  "Why are you doing your multiplication on the floor?"  Student "You told me not to use tables."

14. Why do mathematicians like parks?  Because of the natural logs.

15. Why should the number 288 never be mentioned? Because its two gross.

These are just a few jokes to get you started if you want to entertain your students.  If you do a search, you'll find quite a few on the web if you need more.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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