Friday, April 28, 2023

Math Doctors


I was looking for an explanation on why when two negatives are multiplied together, you get a positive and I came across a page of math doctors! Math doctors is a page that is run by lovers of math and has replaced the old ask dr. math.  The archives for the dr math questions are now housed by NCTM and is free for the moment but that could change.

The people who answered questions at the ask dr. math part of the math forum are responsible for this site. Apparently, the question part of the site closed down in 2017 and rather than letting it all go away, they banded together to form this new site. This is a place where question can be posted and answered by reputable math people so the answer is correct.  Consequently, it is not a discussion board but a true place to get help with homework, general questions, etc. 

The site recommends you check out the old archives to see if that particular question has been answered before you submit it to the current math doctors.  In addition, there is a blog which has been active since January 2018.  They use the blog to share answers with the population, including questions and answers from the archives.  

The first entry for April explored how can the determinants of a 3 by 3 give both area and volume. It explores the question when applied to finding the triangle or the volume of a pyramid and one other set of shapes.  The answer has both diagrams and a written answer combining an entry from the archives with the actual answer.

I also checked the January 2018 blog with its multiple entries.  One entry explored the actual meaning of median since the definitions often vary according to the book, the country, and interpretation.  By interpretation, I mean the person who answered the question might explore what the median is when you have an even number of items.  It is quite fascinating reading.  I kind of wish I had time to binge read on the blog.

Anyway, head over to and check it out.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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