Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Tips For Teaching With Videos

I am getting ready to offer more support to many of my students so I'm looking at ways to have them watch videos actively.  I know from past experience that you can't just give students a video and expect them to come out having learned much. 

First, it is recommended that one set up a visible timer so students are aware of the passing time.  In addition, it helps everyone figure out pacing so they are able to complete their work.  

Secondly, it is not the best idea to show the video on full screen always.  Most people think it is best to view videos in full screen mode but when it is that large, it can make you forget the purpose of watching. In addition, you can always learn with text alone, or with images but you learn more with both together.  One suggestion is to post a key question or guiding questions as a reminder to students of what to look for.

Always make sure the start and stop points are specific.  Rather than showing a 25 minute video for a 5 minute segment, edit the video so that it is set for exactly what you want the students to see.  Take notes of time stamps within the video and trimming options for things like google slides.  Instead of relying on the voice over provided with the video, ask students to record their own voice over.  This can be done by watching the video on a google slide before utilizing available tools. This allows students to focus on the material rather than worrying about their appearance on screen.

Furthermore, all videos should be no longer than six minutes but specifically in the three to four minute range for the best attention span for students.  If the content is longer, stop and check for understanding regularly through the video.  When you check out a video, look at frame rate and resolution because many people think that with a lower resolution, the video is not as good.  It is known that the higher the resolution, the better people see the video so make sure it is going to keep student attention.

So now you have a few ideas to use when having students watch videos in class.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.  

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