Thursday, April 26, 2018

Frustrations upon Frustrations.

Furious, Upset, Person, Woman, AngryThere are days I get so frustrated with teaching.  I had to cut way back on the use of technology this semester for three reasons.  The first is because we've done so much testing that the computer based tests take up most of the band width.  The second has to do with the iced over relay up on the mountain so internet isn't great at best and finally is the attitude of the principal, the superintendent, and a couple other teachers keep insisting the only way for our students to learn well is to use the textbook and all the worksheets associated with the text book.

I think the only reason student do well with worksheets and the textbook is because that is the only way they've been taught up to now.  They are so used to learning this way that they resist any other form of learning.  In addition, they do not use their mobile devices for anything other than for playing games, taking pictures, and texting people.  They text more than they call.

When I use technology in the classroom, I have to work with the students to teach them how to use the application because they do not like exploring on their own.  I honestly do not know why.  Another teacher I work with noted our students will watch the same video time and time again.  They will also draw the same pictures repeatedly.  One of the middle school teachers commented in general people out here find the old physical action movies like the 3 stooges funnier than the ones relying on the use of puns and multiple word meaning.

I loved it when I could use the internet more last semester.  I spoke with another middle school teacher and we both want our students to learn using technology.  I love Google Classroom because I can post everything from warm-ups to assignments to links all in one place.  I am not questioned by students who miss a day or two because its all right there.  In addition, those who have to travel on school trips do not get behind.

I want my students to learn to use spreadsheets for math.  I want them to take the results from those spreadsheet activities add them to a write up in a word document before turning in.  I'd like them to use Flipgrid or some other application so they can create a video presentation on a mathematical topic.

I want my students to learn to use their mobile devices as productivity tools rather than play toys.  I sometimes feel like a fish swimming against the tide because I feel as if I fight the admin and the students themselves.  I want to make their learning more relevant.  Maybe next year I can do it all since we will have a brand new admin and several new teachers.

I'll keep you posted.  Let me know what you think.  Have a good day.

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