Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Math Vocabulary

Dictionary, Words, Grammar, Abc, Letters  Math vocabulary is something my students struggle with.  I try to integrate vocabulary into my classes by using it on a regular basis but I need to incorporate additional activities to keep their interest in learning it.

I know as a child, I hated writing vocabulary words 10 times each along with definitions.  It all became quite mechanical and I never learned to spell them.

I've used the Freyer method before but it isn't enough.  I need other activities designed to use the words more frequently.  So I looked and found some great ideas.  I like the idea of having a math word wall so students know the words they should be familiar with.  Once the word wall is up and students are up to speed, they can then:

1.  Play Pictionary where one student draws a picture of the word and the others guess it.  This works well if students can do a half decent job of drawing but for people whose drawing looks more like scribbles, it can become hysterical.

2. The I AM game.  A student gives the definition of a word beginning with I AM and students have to guess the correct word.  The person who guesses the word does the next I AM clue.

3. The memory game.  Place the words on one set of cards, definitions on a different set of cards or set it all up on the smart board.  Spread the cards out.  A student chooses two cards trying to match the word with its definition.

4.  What is missing.  The teacher removes a word from the word wall before class starts.  During class the teacher asks students to identify the missing word and its definition.

5.  Word of the day.  This works well for small groups of students.  Tell students the special word of the day and they have to listen for its use.  Every time it is used and someone notifies the teacher of its use, their team wins a point.  At the end of the class, the group with the most points is the winner.

6.  Have students create short videos for each word to show they know its meaning.

7.  Play math vocabulary bingo.  Create bingo cards with the needed vocabulary words.  Create the bingo calls using definitions.  You choose a definition, they find the word and cover it.  Once they have five in a row, or cover the whole page, they have a bingo or super bingo.

8. Inside/outside circle.  Each student is given a vocabulary word on an index card.  Students then write a definition and draw and example on the back of the card.   Then half the students form a circle facing outward while the other group form a circle around the other group of students so students face each other. Students give a definition and ask for the word or give the word and ask for the definition.  Then the outer group moves left while the inner one moves right for a new partner.

9. Make each student a Word Wizard by having them find the use of words outside of school in real life.  They have to provide proof such as hearing it on the news (date of broadcast) or finding it in the newspaper (bring article), or a family member used it (bring note.)

10. Have students create vocabulary cartoons using cartoons to create the picture for students to remember along with the definition, word, and cartoon caption.

Hope you enjoy these suggestions.  I plan to try a few later this week in class.  Let me know what you think.

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