Monday, August 13, 2018

Motivating the Introverted Student.

Skateboard Child Boy Sunset Afterglow Land There is always at least one student in your class who is so quiet you can easily forget they are there.  They don't participate in general conversations, they seldom ask for help, they try to be invisible.  They are the group who often fall by the wayside because of being so quiet.

There are things we can do to help these students do well in math and so they no longer fall through the cracks.  We sometimes have to work with them so they are more willing to participate.

Lets look at several things we can do as teachers to help them do better in class.  In general introverted students prefer to work one on one or in small groups, they prefer to think a while before sharing in the think pair share activity, take time making decisions, assessing risk before doing something, need quiet environment to recharge.

So what are some strategies to help these students?

1.  Allow students to write answers on a postit note before giving verbal answers.

2. Have a quiet corner for reflection and recharging.  Could be a nook or a corner.

3. Give students one minute to reflect on their learning by using a prompt.

4. Include  one on one activities.  One I like is to start with two people who talk, then add the two groups together for a group of four etc till you have a big group.

5. Count to 10 before calling on students.

6. Hang an image for student to look at for several minutes before they share their thoughts.

7.  Provide a preview for the lesson such as an essential question, an agenda, syllabus, daily schedule, or preview of the unit.

Tomorrow, I'm going to take time to explore the difference in how the brain works for introverts and extraverts.  Let me know what you think I'd love to hear.

Note:  I am still waiting for my internet at home.  The company changed billing systems and my account didn't flip over so they had to redo my account and that has delayed things.  I hope its up in the next day or two. 

Have a great day.

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